The dedicated staff on the set of The Girl from Plainville endeavored to reduce carbon emissions, reduce waste and recycle wherever possible. For their efforts, TGFP qualified for an Environmental Media Association Green Seal by...
Reuse, Recycling, Energy Efficiency, and Carbon Reduction Measures:
- Used water dispensers and aluminum canned water (saving over 70,000 plastic water bottles)
- Recycled and composted on set
- Shot digital instead film
- Implemented paper, battery, media and ink cartridge recycling program
- Increased use (more than 50%) of energy efficient LED set lighting
- Added vegetarian meal options
Local Community Organizations:
- Donated 650 lbs of excess food (500 meals) to local hunger relief organizations
- Donated 300 lbs of compost to state parks
- Collected non-perishable food, toys, and clothing for the Old Savannah City Mission
- Donated costumes to Croswell Children’s Home and set materials and plants to the Oatland Island Wildlife Center
Curious about what your carbon footprint is? Check out the United Nations online platform for voluntary cancellation of certified emission reductions (CERs).→